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Meat & Meat Products

Meat & Meat Products

Farms of cattle and sheep

Farms of cattle and sheep

Poultry Farms

Poultry Farms

Gabbro Stones

Gabbro Stones

Fish Farms

Fish Farms

Fodder Trading

Fodder Trading

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RIYADH ALDOHA TRADING  represents a high quality, professional and well-established company producing a wide range of rock-based construction materials.The Crushers are well positioned to take advantage of the prime quality natural raw materials that are available in Qatar and our facility is well served by a comprehensive road network with easy access to Qatar.The Crusher production plant represents equipment, plant and facilities recognised throughout the Industry as “best in class”. The development of the Crusher has been designed and built using the latest high-technology and purpose built equipment. Its staff and workforce are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields of management, blast engineering, geology, land surveying, plant operation, maintenance works and health & safety etc.

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